Collection: Weight Gainer
Mass Gainer Protein Powder
The best quality mass gainers are the ones that allow you to build gradual, solid muscle mass. You have to make sure you are getting enough calories, protein and carbohydrates into your body to fuel growth, recovery and strength.
Australia's number one supplement store
Elite Supplements stocks one of the best selections of protein powder in Australia. If you want to buy mass gainer online, check out our range of popular brands, including Optimum Nutrition, ANS Performance, Body Science, Nutrabolics, and more. Our competitive pricing, experienced customer support team, and regular promotions make us the number one choice for mass gainers in Australia.
Protein powder for weight gain
Protein powder is a popular supplement for anyone looking to build muscle and improve their athletic performance. But if you want to seriously bulk up, you'll need to get those calories in.
A quality weight gainer will help you consume more calories and get the nutrients your body needs to build muscle. Unlike regular protein powders, protein powder for weight gain is higher in carbohydrates adding calories. Adding a mass gainer protein shake to your routine after your workout or between meals is an easy, convenient, and delicious way to reach your calorie goal without eating around the clock.
Mass gainer protein powder for every goal
Elite Supplements offers mass gainer protein powders to help you reach your fitness goals, whether you're a beginner or a pro. Our selection includes moderate calorie protein powders that you can mix with water or milk for flexibility, as well as whey protein mass gainers that provide over 1,000 calories per serving for those with high energy needs.
Mass gainers are a popular choice for anyone who wants to build muscle. They're also an excellent option for athletes who burn a lot of calories during training. In addition, muscle gainer protein powder is an excellent meal replacement for those with small appetites or high metabolisms who find it difficult to gain or maintain weight.
A cost-effective way to boost your calories
A quality mass gainer is an excellent way to increase your calorie intake without having to eat more meals. So if you're looking for a cost-effective, quick or simpler way to add calories to your diet, look no further.
Elite Supplements' relationship with suppliers means we are able to offer the best prices on mass gainer in Australia, with extra discounts for bundles and special promotions. Orders over $150 get free shipping Australia-wide, so stock up on all your favourite health and fitness supplements, meal replacements, protein powders, and protein bars for the biggest savings.
We also run a popular affiliate program. If you're passionate about health and fitness and want to share our products with others, you can earn a commission on all sales you refer to us.
Learn more about protein powder for gaining weight
Knowledge is power, and our team is passionate about sharing their expertise with our customers both online and in our stores.
Visit our blog for helpful articles on everything from the best foods to eat to bulk up to the science behind weight gain and more.
You can also check out our FAQs and contact us if you need help choosing a protein supplement or have any questions about nutrition or fitness training.
Our aim is to help all of our customers achieve their full potential, whatever their lifestyle, fitness goals, or budget.
Mass gainers are designed for anyone who finds it difficult to eat enough calories to gain weight and build muscle. They're also popular with athletes who burn a lot of calories during training and need to replenish their energy stores, or simply for those exercising needing a quick and simple method of getting extra calories and macronutrients in.
Mass gainers are typically high in calories. This is great if you're working out hard, as you need those calories to build muscle. However, if you're consuming more calories than you're burning each day and you're not exercising regularly, it's more likely that you'll gain undesirable weight rather than extra muscle.
Mass gainers can help “skinny guys” to gain weight and build muscle. If you're underweight, it's probably because you're not eating enough to meet your daily calorie needs. If you're struggling to eat enough calories to support your training, a quality mass gainer protein powder will help you hit your calorie goals and build muscle. (1, 2).
You can take mass gainer without going to the gym, but you're not likely to see the same results as someone who is also weight training. Mass gainers are designed to help you replenish and build muscle, and if you're not working that muscle or burning off the calories, your body may likely convert them into fat stores. (3, 4).
Most mass gainers are designed to be taken once or twice a day. If you're training hard, you may need to increase your calorie intake to support your training and recovery, you should however consult a nutrition professional to optimise your weight and performance goals. You can use mass gainer to reach your calorie goals on rest days and fuel your muscles after a workout.
However, if you're not training consistently and skipping meals or not eating enough due to a busy lifestyle or small appetite, you can drink mass gainer only on the days when you need a quick source of calories.
Mass gainer and whey protein powders are both easy ways to increase your protein intake, but there are some key differences.
Whey protein powders typically contain a high proportion of protein (up to 95% by weight) with a small amount of carbohydrates and fats. This means most whey protein powders are relatively low calorie and are a great way to add extra protein to your diet and build muscle while still staying lean.
Mass gainers, on the other hand, have similar amounts of protein as normal but are higher in fats, carbohydrates, and calories. They're ideal for anyone looking for an easy way to increase their calorie intake, reach their daily macronutrient goals of carbs, fats, and proteins, and put on weight. (5)
Males and females have different calorie and protein needs, but biological gender is just one factor that affects your daily macronutrient requirements. (6, 7, 8).
There are a few things you should consider when choosing a protein powder for weight gain, such as your fitness goals, calorie needs, and dietary restrictions. If you're a female looking to build muscle or increase your protein intake, check out our selection of protein powder for women.
If you stop taking mass gainers, you may lose some of the muscle and weight that you've gained, this will also depend on if you continue or stop training as well. This is because mass gainers provide an easy way to consume extra calories, and when you're not taking them, it's more difficult to reach your calorie goals. (9, 10).
If you're new to using mass gainers, we recommend trying one with a moderate calorie content (around 500-700 calories per serving). This will help you gradually increase your calorie intake and avoid any uncomfortable digestive issues.
Once you've been using mass gainers for a while, you can experiment with different formulas to find one that works.
You can also check out our list of the top 10 protein powders we sell, all of which are a great choice for beginners.
The best time to take mass gainer will depend on your fitness goals and daily routine.
If you're looking to build muscle, you may want to take mass gainer immediately after your workout. This will help you to refuel your muscles and promote recovery. (11).
For those with a busy lifestyle who tend to skip meals, you may want to take mass gainer first thing in the morning to ensure you have enough energy for the day. Or, you can just have a shake at any time during the day when you don't have time to eat a full meal.
If you're looking to gain weight quickly, you may want to consider using a mass gainer protein powder. Mass gainers are high in calories and nutrients, making it easier for you to reach a calorie surplus.
You can also try eating more frequently throughout the day or adding healthy fats and carbs to your meals to increase your calorie intake.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that using mass gainers will cause acne. However, if you find that you're breaking out after drinking a whey mass gainer shake, it may be because you're sensitive to milk proteins. (12).
If you're experiencing issues with your skin after you start taking a mass gainer powder, try switching to a different brand or a lactose-free vegan or plant-based protein powder. For any issues or concerns you have ensure you consult a healthcare or nutrition professional.
As mass gainers are high in calories and contain a more balanced mixture of macronutrients than protein powders, they can be used as a meal replacement. (13).
To make your mass gainer shake more nutritious, you can add other ingredients such as nut butters, avocado, fruits, and oats.
However, it's important to note that mass gainers are not designed to be a complete meal and do not contain all the vitamins and minerals you need for good health. If you're looking for a complete meal replacement, we recommend checking out our selection of meal replacement shakes.
The type of protein in mass gainers can vary depending on the brand and product. However, most mass gainer powders contain a blend of whey and casein protein, as well as carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Some of the other protein powder supplements you might consider to help you reach your nutrition and fitness goals include:
Hydrolysed whey protein
A fast-absorbing protein that's perfect for post-workout recovery. -
Whey protein isolate
A pure form of whey protein with minimal fat and carbs. -
Hemp protein
A vegan-friendly protein powder rich in fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. -
Pea protein
Another vegan-friendly protein powder that's a good source of iron and magnesium. -
Rice protein
A hypoallergenic protein powder that's easy to digest. -
Casein protein
A slow-releasing protein that's helpful for controlling your appetite and making you feel full for longer. -
Collagen protein
A protein derived from a variety of animal sources that has excellent bio-availability. -
Keto protein
A meal replacement protein powder that's low-carb and suitable for those on a ketogenic diet. -
Fat-burning protein
A protein powder that contains ingredients designed to boost your metabolism and help you burn fat. -
Gluten-free protein powder
A protein powder that's free from gluten-containing ingredients, making it ideal for those with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance. -
Organic whey protein
A protein powder made from whey that's sourced from organically raised cows. -
Slow-release protein
A protein powder that is absorbed into the bloodstream more slowly than other types of protein and is ideal for taking before bed. -
Weight-loss protein
A low-calorie protein powder that can help you stick to a calorie-controlled diet.
1. Howell, S., & Kones, R. (2017). "Calories in, calories out" and macronutrient intake: the hope, hype, and science of calories. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, 313(5), E608–E612. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpendo.00156.2017
2. Pasiakos, S. M., McLellan, T. M., & Lieberman, H. R. (2015). The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 45(1), 111–131. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-014-0242-2
3. Mertz, K. H., Reitelseder, S., Bechshoeft, R., Bulow, J., Højfeldt, G., Jensen, M., Schacht, S. R., Lind, M. V., Rasmussen, M. A., Mikkelsen, U. R., Tetens, I., Engelsen, S. B., Nielsen, D. S., Jespersen, A. P., & Holm, L. (2021). The effect of daily protein supplementation, with or without resistance training for 1 year, on muscle size, strength, and function in healthy older adults: A randomized controlled trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 113(4), 790–800. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqaa372
4. Horton, T. J., Drougas, H., Brachey, A., Reed, G. W., Peters, J. C., & Hill, J. O. (1995). Fat and carbohydrate overfeeding in humans: different effects on energy storage. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 62(1), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/62.1.19
5. Naclerio, F., & Larumbe-Zabala, E. (2016). Effects of Whey Protein Alone or as Part of a Multi-ingredient Formulation on Strength, Fat-Free Mass, or Lean Body Mass in Resistance-Trained Individuals: A Meta-analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 46(1), 125–137. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-015-0403-y
6. Bennett, E., Peters, S., & Woodward, M. (2018). Sex differences in macronutrient intake and adherence to dietary recommendations: findings from the UK Biobank. BMJ open, 8(4), e020017. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020017
7. Lemon P. W. (2000). Beyond the zone: protein needs of active individuals. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 19(5 Suppl), 513S–521S. https://doi.org/10.1080/07315724.2000.10718974
8. Bergia, R. E., 3rd, Hudson, J. L., & Campbell, W. W. (2018). Effect of whey protein supplementation on body composition changes in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition reviews, 76(7), 539–551. https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuy017
9. Cava, E., Yeat, N. C., & Mittendorfer, B. (2017). Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 8(3), 511–519. https://doi.org/10.3945/an.116.014506
10. Chappell, A. J., Simper, T., & Barker, M. E. (2018). Nutritional strategies of high level natural bodybuilders during competition preparation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 15, 4. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-018-0209-z
11. Jäger, R., Kerksick, C. M., Campbell, B. I., Cribb, P. J., Wells, S. D., Skwiat, T. M., Purpura, M., Ziegenfuss, T. N., Ferrando, A. A., Arent, S. M., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Stout, J. R., Arciero, P. J., Ormsbee, M. J., Taylor, L. W., Wilborn, C. D., Kalman, D. S., Kreider, R. B., Willoughby, D. S., Hoffman, J. R., … Antonio, J. (2017). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 14, 20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-017-0177-8
12. Silverberg N. B. (2012). Whey protein precipitating moderate to severe acne flares in 5 teenaged athletes. Cutis, 90(2), 70–72.
13. Röhling, M., Stensitzky, A., Oliveira, C., Beck, A., Braumann, K. M., Halle, M., Führer-Sakel, D., Kempf, K., McCarthy, D., Predel, H. G., Schenkenberger, I., Toplak, H., & Berg, A. (2021). Effects of a Protein-Rich, Low-Glycaemic Meal Replacement on Changes in Dietary Intake and Body Weight Following a Weight-Management Intervention-The ACOORH Trial. Nutrients, 13(2), 376. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13020376